January 13, 2008

arcs poetica

relationships among her poems and otheration
artifacts, but also createseration
variants, etc. her poems *stutteredation* -
were produced individually or losteration
is their *inertia* of the poem. itteration
doesn't open her poems, perhaps, soteration
much as foreclose upon her body. anderation
poems ever written will becomeration
obsolete or forgotten as wonderfuleration
reads. but they don't work at the poemseration
or read other poets; there is the whiteration
surface of a mallarme poem or theteration
smooth unstriated line itself, theteration
literary text, the poem text, the texteration
of love and favorites, incipienteration
knowledge of authors not yet borneration.
there's a determinate fashionation,
permitting poetry but not embarrassmenteration

or at least one of the issues oferation
poetry: that of its materiality - itteration
opens upon a multi-dimensional grideration,
within which poetry itself - of theteration
poet - is enormous and indefinite, justeration
as the hypertext itself to comeeration
will have no poets and no philosopherseration,
something i praise. prose anderation
poetry are generated for the first timeration
with electronic and wilderation
interpretation, and a poetics of theteration
body that is at a variance based on ateration
style largely dominated by science; theteration
use of "poeticized" or convolutedation
prose could be seen as this: a lot ofteration
my students have written poetry andteration
want to be read. but they don't work atteration
the poems or read other poets; theteration
poetry? nothing more than "poetic faitheration."

an origin, and "faith" with a gestureration
invading _beyond_ the poetic witheration
its exhausted poetics, become a lasteration
resort, the conjunction ofteration
interpretations elicited by a hypertexteration
modeled by the poet [...] what iteration
remember about the poets and theteration
trouble i had with them was poets abouteration
these poets. poets trick me a lot and iteration
always fall for them, they ateration
least published some things as baderation
poetry. now i look back and see poetryation.
he was never particularly supportiveration,
part of a group i viewed all of themeration
reading all of them. i could neveration
believe in poetry ever again, includingteraion
my own; i can never use `poetryation'
without shuddering. i get suspicious ofteration
poetics which always seems to invokeration
language or a pause, a witticism in ateration
foreign language. i am a pariah for theteration

—Alan Sondheim

Posted by dwaber at 07:06 PM