December 07, 2007

ordinary poet

tongue world can be tongue for the poet and
poetry is hallo everywhere hallo all everywhere poetry all
everywhere so the poet lets place for instant collages
dumb poems express poems visual poetry found mixed poems

poetry feeds on everything hallo hallo everything that created
his existence readings relationships coarse expressions wet & sweet
dreams songs physical activities constructions travels reflections contemplations food
primary ordinary elementary this a primary ordinary elementary poetry

when someone is asking questions what is poetry today
which date how old how many why he answers
“poetry today is when I say it is poetry”
he is a poet when doing what he says
he is the tree and the spade cutting roots
he is the kid's hand in the grit stoop
he is the nail scrap deep in dog's belly
he is the flax stem dripping in the river
brown water while shells are falling over the forest
an ice-blink in a mirror-wardrobe grinning door

poetry is coming from the greedy emptiness vibrating in
the corporeal pipe yes that is the superficial envelope
of this tube it accepts scrap friction aggression information
caress noise & smell minimal cosmos infinite as infinity

he is an ordinary poet using his brain breath
and body brain and breath breath brain and body
the poet and the publisher live together in him
like the gardener and the weary reader live together
in him like the translator and the father live
together in him like the merz and the chess
player live together in him like the stunted brain
and the knotted bowels live together in him like
the vertebras and the thigh bones live together in
him like the liver and the nasal mucus live
together in him like the hardhitter and the quinquagenerian
live together in him like the guitar player and
the microbe live together in him like the beerdrinker
and the veal chop live together in him like
the starscrewer and the snail live together in him
like the waste and the memory holes live together
in him like the rider and the salad live
together in him like this like this and still
like this his body brain and breath and body

—Lucien Suel

Posted by dwaber at 02:14 PM