Archive of: Schaffner, Anna Katharina

From Concrete to Digital: The Reconceptualisation of Poetic Space, by Anna Katharina Schaffner

In Copenhagen, on November 9-10 2006 there was a conference organised by the Nordic Network of Avant-Garde Studies in cooperation with The Georg Brandes School and The Copenhagen Doctoral School in Cultural Studies, Literature, and the Arts (KLIK) called "FROM CONCRETE POETRY TO DIGITAL POETRY".

Through the magic of modern technology (or, as I like to say, by the power of "teh intarweb tubes"), I found out about this event and spent a quiet evening pretending I was there by reading through one of the papers presented at the conference entitled "From Concrete to Digital: The Reconceptualisation of Poetic Space", by Anna Katharina Schaffner. I found the paper such a good read, I contacted Ms. Schaffner and asked if I could make the paper available here, as well. She graciously agreed, and now it is my pleasure to bring to you:

From Concrete to Digital: The Reconceptualisation of Poetic Space (192k .pdf), by Anna Katharina Schaffner

Anna Katharina Schaffner has worked as a post-doctoral research assistant and as a literature tutor at the University of Edinburgh until May 2006. She has completed her PhD on language dissection in and textual politics of historical avant-garde, concrete and digital poetry at the University of Edinburgh in 2006. Her thesis will be published by Aisthesis in German next year. She has published essays on language dissection in historical avant-garde, concrete and digital poetry, on the critical stance inherent in dadaist code breaking and on concrete poetry and its relationship to the historical avant-garde heritage in volumes 17, 18 and 20 (forthcoming) of the Rodopi Avant-Garde-Critical-Studies series. She currently lives in Vienna.